Faithful stewardship is a life choice that people make when they become accountable for the resources that God has given them. One such couple from Minnesota, who recently passed away, were very faithful and timely with a small tithe that they sent to Hope Haven every month. Sometimes, when funds were tight, and they missed their monthly tithe, they would double up their gift the following month to make up for the one that they had missed.
We went to visit them to express our appreciation for their support. As we drove onto their driveway, we noticed that they lived in a small and modest house. Upon entering their home, he sensed that they had minimal resources at best, and yet, month after month, they continued to send a gift to Hope Haven. During their conversation, we asked them what motivated them to send a gift every month; their answer was so clear and honest. They replied, "Because that's what God calls us to do."
God calls us all to be faithful stewards and Hope Haven depends on the generosity of people like these friends from Minnesota. Collectively, all of these gifts, large and small, help to deliver the services and programs that we provide, each and every day.
A charitable gift annuity is a great way you can make a gift to our organization and benefit. You transfer your cash or property to our organization and we promise to make fixed payments to you for life at a rate based on your age.