A Charitable Remainder Trust is an estate plan that Howard and Marge use to provide a lifelong income stream for themselves and their son Dan, who is currently served by Hope Haven (HH). This estate plan fulfills their desire to continue to care for Dan long after they are deceased, and once the trust is terminated, it will pass on its' resources to HH as a charitable contribution, providing revenue for services for years to come.
HOWARD: "A Charitable Remainder Trust gave us the opportunity to devote savings to Hope Haven now, an excellent way to give, and a wise vehicle for our stewardship, since we receive an income for life."
MARGE: "I can't say enough about Hope Haven's great staff! They are gracious, kind, loving, Dan's life is the best we could ever hope for him!"
HOWARD: "But another aspect of our giving is the opportunity it affords to affirm and support staff. Our gift through a trust is our way of expressing how much we value the people who minister daily to those with disabilities through all the many outreach ministries of Hope Haven."
A charitable gift annuity is a great way you can make a gift to our organization and benefit. You transfer your cash or property to our organization and we promise to make fixed payments to you for life at a rate based on your age.